
Reiki is a gentle non-invasive therapy that originated in Japan. Meaning ‘universal life force energy’, Reiki energy is present in all living things but can become weak and depleted resulting in stress and eventually dis-ease.

A Reiki treatment seeks to re-balance and replenish the weakened life force energy leaving the client relaxed and rejuvenated. During a treatment the therapist draws in the Reiki energy and channels it into the client and to the root cause of a problem. Therapists either place their hands directly on the client, who is seated or lying down, or work in the energy field that surrounds them. A treatment typically lasts for one hour and is suitable for anyone of any age and for any condition or illness. Some people just enjoy Reiki treatments because of the sense of peace, relaxation and stress reduction that it brings.

Ursula‘s Reiki training began in 1994 with Shimara Kumara, who at that time was teaching a system known as Golden Age Reiki which drew on the techniques of several teachers. Ursula also studied Traditional Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Egyptian SKHM and Raku Kei to broaden her understanding and customise her treatment to each client’s needs. She later trained with Lesley Carol and in 1998, took a Reiki Energy Masters course in Egypt with Simon Treselyan, one of the most sought after Reiki and Motivational teachers in the UK.